Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Season

Hi,its been awhile since i updated this damn blog,lazyness arise at the ending of the year 2008 =.=
After that life game camp,i settle down awhile before i am busy again,most of the time i spent is with church friends,thx god for giving me such opportunity,
As for countdown,i went sincero with friends and drank a couple of bottles,
i have no worries coz i'm not drunk =),
As for christmas,i went to church service and night time buffet,
Participated in the little dance performance too Yeah~~
After all this,on 27th-29th,i went for camp at PPMC,the theme of the camp is "bu yi yang jiu shi bu yi yang",
I've learned alot through this camp and it was a fun n exciting 1,all the actions and things we do have meaning and let us have closer relationship with god,
Thats all i think,wait for next update,should be the new year time =)
My church friends at McD
For God gave his only son to us, Jesus Christ, so that we can have eternal life through his death on the cross.John 3:16
Jesus Love You
God Bless You..

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Life Game 2008,where i found my new life

Hi,guys,its been awhile since i updated this lame website~~
And so,i've been through steven's dinner nite and now juz back from the LifeGame 2008 camp,
it was a fun camp/game,
We stayed at Universiti Sains Malaysia,USM and its not what we expected,those male hostel are terrible,its the same for the female part as what i heard,
I chose the papan instead of bed coz the bed got unique species of worms!!!Yucks
Blood stain!! No la,juz paint,i sleep facing this wall zzz
Although the hostel were terrible but after 2nd day,all was getting more excited than it was in 1st day,
I build up my career and all those,
And one thing is that i get married in that game,but it was kinda late,i died after that round leaving only my cash to ma "wife" XD
Ma "wife"
Her twin sis -.-V
Yi Rou

At the end of this camp,i've learned many things
I've learned tat we must appreciate life while we can,coz from my experience i died before doing many things like going into those clubs n casinos,not even have time to take wedding photo die jor..
And 1 thing is that we dun have to make ourself busy by chasing fame n welth coz its useless when we die,all cant be take away.
So,i hope any of u who still not yet awake,pls do so so that u can live ur life to fulllness

Photo time!!:
Roommate #1 Jie Yang
Roommate #2 Yeak Yang
Roommate #3 Beh
Tiny Li Hua ~.~
Ai Wei,pro pianist leh

Sry,Xin Ying,i dun have ur photo,dun mad if i miss ur photo

Eh,too much photo liao dun wan put di,wan see more go friendster see =)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shopping Spree

Well,Hi,everybody,not quite in the mood of updating my blog since my MAPLE account kana hack!!But the hacker chose my mage among 3 char n not my ch dit,lucky,i guess some of u dunno wad am i talking,anyway i will continue with my story~
After the last event which is the steamboat,i have around 1 week to shop for my attire for my dinner,
Now i know why girls like to shop alot,indeed it was fun~~wooots...
i went to few shopping centre and try alot of cloth
Here was some of them that kinda suits me
White purple stripes with jeans,stripes are hard to see

Black n White =X

Can be said as my fav among 3,purple stripes with white,White Horse Prince~~

Anyway,in the end i din choose one of the 3 above,maybe it suits n i like it but others view are diff,i'm gonna wear smtg normal then~~no choice,"bo lui",cant buy exp cloth too much =X

P.S.:Dun bring ee yen go shopping,he sleeps on the bench ~.~,bring louis instead,high fashion sense should i say?

Signing Off
~SimplyDes aka Lems~

Monday, December 1, 2008

Last day/nite of Form 5

Woow,i wont talk much in this post,pics says it all
On the nite of the end of SPM,we went for this =)

The clan war losers?Left to right:Joel,Me,Jeff,SaiKit,Louis

Forever group chatter =)

3 handsome guy with 1 lame =D :Kelvin,SangTuan,Me,Joel

Ntg to say with this 2:Yan Hoe,Ee Yen

Me,Bob,Hsien Rhu,Kelvin

They say my phone camera is good:Hsien Rhu,Kelvin,SangTuan,Andy

Sc1[not all inside] says no pet=cameraMan,:You know them all =)

Our venue.
Xtra photo

Most 5 guan si on that nite,Sc2 de sai kit

After all this,some of us went overnite at x2net[in front infi]
I only manage to take this

Dandy and Wilson was not in MP,further cant be seen in photo:chin yeoh,wei hao,michael =.= not in MP as well.
Oh well,thats all,i hope there was more but aihz,time to go our own way,=)
Look for more updates.
Signing off~des~